...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

June 09, 2006

Glory Road - 5

Not a bad film, but safe enough for Disney. The story is a true one. In 1966 Texas Western, now called University of Texas at El Paso, won the NCAA national basketball championship with a starting line up of all-black players. The film is mainly about Coach Don Haskins who sees this as an opportunity, as well as challenging the current norms and stereotypes that existed at the time about blacks and athletics. The film is summed up nicely by a comment I heard about the film: "This is Remember The Titans with basketball." Not far off, although Remember the Titans had better acting and the story was a little more complex. Interesting but not my kind of film.
Of note Pat Riley played against Texas Western for the University of Kentucky in the 1966 final. He has just coached his Miami Heat team to the NBA finals.

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