...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

May 27, 2005

Team America: World Police - 4

A mostly funny comedy blasting the political left, such as actors as well as those on the right who think weapons that kill bad guys are God's gift to humanity. I think there are not any real people that are on either of these extremes, but this film shows what that might look like. Seems to me we may need some 'third way' thinking. This film is from the creators of South Park, so there are plenty of sick gags and spoofs of a lot of other films. There is more than enough death and destruction, and creepy sex jokes. The jokes about the Hollywood actors and Kim Jong-Il are truly hilarious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Under the veneer of crude humor, this film is actually insightful and makes a good point. It also provides some belly laughs if you're not too prudish.