...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

May 20, 2005

National Treasure - 6

The story is very much like The Da Vinci Code, it has the same historical conspiracy theory, this time about the freemasons and the founding of the US. It is fun and entertaining to see what the next clue will lead to and whether they can outsmart and get to the treasure before the foreign bad guys. It even has some jokes about conspiracy stories, at least the film doesn't take itself to seriously. Despite a couple of plot holes it works as an adventure movie. It even alludes to historical responsibility and trying to discover whether what you believe is true or just your own imagination. This is sort of the kiddy (Walt Disney) preview to The Da Vinci Code movie that they are making with Tom Hanks (out next summer), which I assume will probably be better (and probably more controversial).

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