...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

May 16, 2005

Shaun of the Dead - 6

Hilarious. This film is a spoof of all of the crazy horror movies you've seen. Like usual the dead come to life and start eating the living. While this is the usual plot, the main characters, Shaun and Ed, have an unusual response: survival is not only necessary, it should be fun. And while rational thinking can get you so far, at some point you will have to go with what you know; get your friends and go to your favorite local pub. There are even some tear jerker moments, which then turn into more hilarity. The DVD also has special features where they explain some of the plot holes during the film.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Excellent film. Not only was it insanely funny, but there were some wonderfully thoughtful parts that really surprised me.