...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

May 12, 2005

Boys Don't Cry - 4

This is the true story of Teena Brandon, who as a teenager cuts her hair short and uses the name Brandon Teena and begins to think of herself as a boy (Hillary Swank won and Oscar for best actress for this part, and she is convincing as Brandon). She is able to live the life she has wanted when she moves out of Lincoln, Nebraska and makes a new group of friends that treat her like a guy. Most of movie involves getting to know the characters and starting to identify with the strange and foibled characters. But near the end of the movie when the truth about Brandon's anatomy surfaces, all hell breaks loose. Since a lie about sexuality is a lie about identity in the friends eyes, this new truth shatters their views about their own identity. This muddled knowing leads to extremely muddled doing. This film once again reminded me that we humans all to often forget how to be human.

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