...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

July 27, 2005

Through a Glass Darkly - 7

The first in Ingmar Bergman's trilogy of faith (Winter Light, The Silence -reviews coming soon to this blog). Bergman is the son of a Swedish pastor and has been making films since 1944. His most recent film (made for TV) is from 2003, Saraband. Through film is about the psychology of faith. It is the story of a family on vacation-father, son, daughter, and son-in-law. Karin is convinced that God is speaking to her though a wall, and that he will descend into their house through a closet door, when he does appear it is as a spider who she has to fight off. The final conversation of the film between father and son is interesting, if not a little cynical about God's existence and love being a part of that equation. The DVD extras explanation of the trilogy is that faith develops from certainty, to doubt, to silence-the negative existence of God.

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