...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

June 07, 2005

What time is it?

Recently I have had conversations that have tested out my ranking system and have caused me to think about the very subjective views taken in my blog. One of the keys to understanding my entries it to consider the time that I watched the film. I don't mean this in the literal sense of it was exactly 8:03 when the scene with the guy with the mustache and the eyes shot the women with the hair and the ears. What I mean is that their is a context, a story that it resides in, to the viewing which adds or subtracts meaning from the film. A good example of this is that some films relate very well to what I am reading, and the connection allows me to see the story in a wider context and judge the film based on the added connections to my own wider world. One's reaction to art always happens in time and I think that it is an important aspect of how we view it and respond to it. So, while my entries will remain subjective I don't think that takes anything away from other's views of the same films, or that I haven't hit on a theme or idea that is true of the film. But then again I could just as easily miss some good connections. Comments have been a good way for me to reconsider the films in a new light.

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