...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

June 23, 2005

Boogie Nights - 4

This is a hard film to watch. It is about the pornography industry of the late 70's and early 80's. What makes it hard to watch is that the sexuality of the characters and there views of sex are so distorted and misdirected. The consequences are disastrous for life because sex has been robbed of its meaning, which means that the characters are confused as to the value of it apart from film. For one of the assistant directors, sex has meaning and he cannot live with the meaningless sex of others, which results in a killing spree-including himself. The film is also intense because it is hard to know how accurate a picture this is of some peoples views of sex. This film could also be used as a discussion point since it engages the issues of how culture influences these views and how it responds. In the end, though, it seems like a very sad view of reality.


Jason said...

Since when is film solely entertainment?

Anonymous said...

It's a movie about family. It's a tragedy yes, but one true to life. In fact, the lives of actual porn stars are often much, much sadder and desperate than the film might portray. If you watch it carefully, there are a lot of biblical motifs (i.e. Eddie's baptism and renaming in the hot tub scene, just to give one example), as there are in all of P.T. Anderson's films -in Boogie Nights they tell an inverse of the gospel narrative, so to speak. This movie left me feeling the hurt of 'the other' to whatever extent it might be possible through film. I think it's a great movie. It's an examination of exploitation -it humanizes those who have been dehumanized in most peoples' minds. It also paints a realistically ugly picture of how life is commercialized and people are commodified by the pop culture machine -the way a film camera, when pointed at you, causes you to assume a god-like identity (grandiose notions of your importance and powers), and before you know it, your actual identity is swallowed up by the fantastical one, thus removing you from reality and isolating you interpersonally. This movie is like a map. It's a deconstruction of the glamor of decadence. It leaves you in the light.