...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

December 11, 2004

Dr. Strangelove or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb - 4

This film being 40 years old now says a lot about the lasting nature of history. This movie makes our current administration look like geniuses. The theme of the movie seems to be that we haven't fully realized the consequences of the technology that we develop. Another theme is that we are still in the modernist mindset, which in Kubrick's mind makes us somewhat like the nazi's, or at least we have remnants of the nazi mind set; to build the master race through technology. Mars Hill Audio's latest issue talks about the current eugenics in biotechnology. The paradox of that this film brings to mind is that the US just invaded a country trying to develop nukes, while we are the current owners of the biggest stock pile in the history of the world! Somehow we are able to walk the moral high ground, because...? This film none the less brings up good questions 40 years later, in the current times that we are living in.

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