...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

December 10, 2004

Dirty Pretty Things - 7

This film is about being a stranger in a strangeland; being lost and looking for home. It is also about the abuses of power of those that are recognized as citizens. It begs the questions of hospitality and the respect and love of neighbor. It also takes ethical questions seriously by showing the inner struggle of trying to do what is right. Why is it that we so seldom treat others as if they are human, while holding on to our own self-hood as beyond being wronged? It is strange thing to be human. And sometimes we don't even know how to be what we are. Always good thoughts to ponder, not easy, but worth remembering.

1 comment:

D said...

FABULOUS movie, I mean depresssing as hell- but you can't go wrong with Audrey Tautou