...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

October 01, 2005

Time Bandits - 5

A comedic Terry Gilliam (Brazil, Twelve Monkeys, and The Brother's Grimm) film, that makes A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy seem like a copy. It uses time travel rather than space travel and has less reference to the meaning of life, but the type of humor is similar. The basic story is that some dwarves who helped God make shrubs, have stolen his map and are able to travel through time and decide to steal valuables in order to be rich, they eventually get conned by the devil and need to retrieve the map, only to be saved in the end by God, who tells them the whole thing was a test. The film is from a small boy's perspective as he has a good imagination, that obviously doesn't come from his parents who are TV zombies. He wakes up in the end and finds that it may have all been a dream, or was it? A funny action adventure film, and ahead of its time in 1981.

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