...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

September 28, 2005

St. Elmo's Fire - 6

An interesting film about unrequited love. There are seven characters, all friends from their recent college days at Georgetown. Now that they are out in "the real world" they are finding life more challenging and learning to learn for the first time. There are a few story-lines but all of them involve looking for love and recognizing that often time it is not returned in kind. The characters soon realize that status and wealth are important to their visions of success but that the rules of the game has changed from when they were in college. They must either adapt themselves to the new culture or be spit out. In all of this it is their friendships that keep them grounded. It is an interesting film and gives indirect insight into cultural views of higher education and the careerism of the day (1985). You can definitely tell this is an 80's film from the musical score written by David Foster.

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