...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

September 12, 2005

Once Upon a Time in Mexico - 5

This final film in the El Mariachi trilogy is so convoluted it is actually good. Like usual for Rodriguez the special effects are spectacular. The plot involves lots of crossing and double crossing. The CIA, FBI, Mexican police, the President and the drug cartels are all trying to get what something for themselves, the law being merely a guise for their games. All of this confusing story with some interesting dream sequences (to follow in the tradition of the first two films) is enough to be confused as to what actually happened and why the audience should care in the first place. Johnny Depp is a good addition to the cast, and seeing Enrique Iglesias in any thing but a cheesy music videos is just funny (come to think of it his music videos are just as funny and outrageous). The body count in this film is high, but more believable than Desperado because the story is following the cartels political coup of the presidency of Mexico. The only reason it works out for the best is really just luck on the side of democracy rather than on one side outwitting the other. It is a fun film to watch and lots of stuff gets blown up, sometimes that's all you can ask for.

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