...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

August 01, 2005

Narc - 6

An intriguing thriller about the mysterious death of an undercover narc (a cop who goes undercover to investigate drug trafficking). It is from the perspective of a cop on suspension who has only this case to work on. The events right before the killing are replayed through out as he uncovers more and more information from witness. It plays on the idea that we believe those we trust, and this can be valuable but can also lead to believing a lie if we trust the wrong people. The cinematography give one the feel of being in a very cold and lonely place and adds to the atmosphere of the film. And rather than having some trick ending to throw people it allows for the audience to put there faith into the characters and try to understand what actually happened. Which in some ways is more like real life with its doubt rather than some sort of absolute certainty about something one only has a few of the puzzle pieces, and can somehow intuit the big picture.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Interesting fact about the film: if you watch it again (or can look back from what you remember), did you notice how Lt. Oak always had something behind him or obscuring him in the shots: in the bar in the beginning (with the angles used), outside of Calvess' widow's house (he had gnarled trees towering over him in every shot), and when he and Tellis were talking in their car (reflections of trees covered Oak in the windshield). It was the opposite for Tellis. It's almost like Carnahan (the director) was comparing Oak and Tellis' very different quests for "truth."