...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

August 01, 2005

A Clockwork Orange - 6

Like a lot of Stanley Kubrick films this has the feel of being made more currently than its original release in 1971. The color and themes are more universal than most films. It deals with violence and its possible rehabilitation. It takes a while to get use to the English (slang) language that the main characters use. It is an interesting look at how societies view the human person- what is wrong and what the possible solutions may be. The movie is disturbing in its portrayal of social norms as well as the breaking of these norms. It tends to show only the extremes, but for the good of showing how societies have lost their way in the search for definitions of what right and wrong are. The ending is somewhat pessimistic in that good does not really win out in the end, rather mere friendliness and back scratching have the last laugh.

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