...engaging and discerning culture, as a way of life...

March 04, 2005

Legally Blonde - 3

This movie is 10% plot and 90% bad jokes. And 100% like the previous sentence: a general and horribly unthought out stereotype. The film claims these things as true: Blondes are dumb about everything other than hair and fashion (with the exception of when they need to know other things for the convenience of the plot), That men are idiots and chauvinistic, and that one can do anything they put there energy and passion into. Now, like any stereotype we have, there are grains of truth, but like any truth that humans know, it comes in small grains, not in large chunks. You can see the joke coming before anyone has even said anything. The funniest thing about the movie is also the saddest, that is how outrageous it is. This film does not speak into reality, but rather successfully reinforces stereotypes and claims they are true, or if they are not true, I don't see the point of making a film that pokes fun at them while reinforcing them. This is truly one of those entertainment films in which the audience wants to escape reality for an hour and a half.


Anonymous said...

True it was a dumb movie but much better then I expected. I thought it was so awful it was funny. The second one is worse so don't even bother watching it. But lighten up, no story doesn't mean no fun. It was cute.

Anonymous said...

It's just a movie, movie's aren't real life, if you hadn't noticed. I'm sure you have watched movies like Men in Black, aliens aren't real, it was for fun. Men aren't all really jerks, blondes aren't al really dumb, it'sjust a story.

~greg said...

I realize that movies have an entertainment element to them. And this movie was more better done than most comedies of this sort. It was sort of frustrating that the creators missed the chance to tell some intelligent jokes.
As the the comment about "movies aren't real," I realize that too. But they do speak into our reality and they are not merely an escape, rather they tell us stories that have meaning and inform the meaning in our lives.